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For each activity listed below, please rate your breathlessness on a scale between NOT AT ALL and MAXIMALLY BREATHLESS or TOO BREATHLESS to do the activity. If the activity one which you do not perform, please give your best estimate of breathlessness. Your response should be for an 'Average Day" during the past week. Please respond to all items.
1. How short of breath do you get at REST
Not at all Breathless
Very Slightly Breathless
Somewhat Breathless
Considerably Breathless
Severly Breathless
Maximally or unable to do because of breathlessness
2. How short of breath walking on a level at your own pace
Not at all Breathless
Very Slightly Breathless
Somewhat Breathless
Considerably Breathless
Severly Breathless
Maximally or unable to do because of breathlessness
3. How short of breath Walking with others of your age
Not at all Breathless
Very Slightly Breathless
Somewhat Breathless
Considerably Breathless
Severly Breathless
Maximally or unable to do because of breathlessness
4. How short of breath Walking Up a hill
Not at all Breathless
Very Slightly Breathless
Somewhat Breathless
Considerably Breathless
Severly Breathless
Maximally or unable to do because of breathlessness
5. How short of breath Walking Up Stairs
Not at all Breathless
Very Slightly Breathless
Somewhat Breathless
Considerably Breathless
Severly Breathless
Maximally or unable to do because of breathlessness
6. How short of breath While eating
Not at all Breathless
Very Slightly Breathless
Somewhat Breathless
Considerably Breathless
Severly Breathless
Maximally or unable to do because of breathlessness
7. How short of breath Standing Up from a Chair
Not at all Breathless
Very Slightly Breathless
Somewhat Breathless
Considerably Breathless
Severly Breathless
Maximally or unable to do because of breathlessness
8. How short of breath Brushing teeth
Not at all Breathless
Very Slightly Breathless
Somewhat Breathless
Considerably Breathless
Severly Breathless
Maximally or unable to do because of breathlessness
9. How short of breath While Shaving and or Brushing Hair
Not at all Breathless
Very Slightly Breathless
Somewhat Breathless
Considerably Breathless
Severly Breathless
Maximally or unable to do because of breathlessness
10. How short of breath While Showering / Bathing
Not at all Breathless
Very Slightly Breathless
Somewhat Breathless
Considerably Breathless
Severly Breathless
Maximally or unable to do because of breathlessness
11. How short of breath While Dressing
Not at all Breathless
Very Slightly Breathless
Somewhat Breathless
Considerably Breathless
Severly Breathless
Maximally or unable to do because of breathlessness
12. How short of breath While Picking Up and Straightening
Not at all Breathless
Very Slightly Breathless
Somewhat Breathless
Considerably Breathless
Severly Breathless
Maximally or unable to do because of breathlessness
13. How short of breath While Doing Dishes
Not at all Breathless
Very Slightly Breathless
Somewhat Breathless
Considerably Breathless
Severly Breathless
Maximally or unable to do because of breathlessness
14. How short of breath While Sweeping and Vaccuming
Not at all Breathless
Very Slightly Breathless
Somewhat Breathless
Considerably Breathless
Severly Breathless
Maximally or unable to do because of breathlessness
15. How short of breath While Making Bed
Not at all Breathless
Very Slightly Breathless
Somewhat Breathless
Considerably Breathless
Severly Breathless
Maximally or unable to do because of breathlessness
16. How short of breath While Shopping
Not at all Breathless
Very Slightly Breathless
Somewhat Breathless
Considerably Breathless
Severly Breathless
Maximally or unable to do because of breathlessness
17. How short of breath While Doing Laundry
Not at all Breathless
Very Slightly Breathless
Somewhat Breathless
Considerably Breathless
Severly Breathless
Maximally or unable to do because of breathlessness
18. How short of breath While Washing Car
Not at all Breathless
Very Slightly Breathless
Somewhat Breathless
Considerably Breathless
Severly Breathless
Maximally or unable to do because of breathlessness
19. How short of breath While Mowing Lawn
Not at all Breathless
Very Slightly Breathless
Somewhat Breathless
Considerably Breathless
Severly Breathless
Maximally or unable to do because of breathlessness
20. How short of breath While Watering Lawn
Not at all Breathless
Very Slightly Breathless
Somewhat Breathless
Considerably Breathless
Severly Breathless
Maximally or unable to do because of breathlessness
20. How short of breath in sexual activities
Not at all Breathless
Very Slightly Breathless
Somewhat Breathless
Considerably Breathless
Severly Breathless
Maximally or unable to do because of breathlessness
21. How much do these limit you in your daily life? - SHORTNESS OF BREATH
Not at all Breathless
Very Slightly Breathless
Somewhat Breathless
Considerably Breathless
Severly Breathless
Maximally or unable to do because of breathlessness
22. How much do these limit you in your daily life? - FEAR OF HURTING YOURSELF BY OVEREXERTING
Not at all Breathless
Very Slightly Breathless
Somewhat Breathless
Considerably Breathless
Severly Breathless
Maximally or unable to do because of breathlessness
23. How much do these limit you in your daily life? - FEAR OF SHORTNESS OF BREATH
Not at all Breathless
Very Slightly Breathless
Somewhat Breathless
Considerably Breathless
Severly Breathless
Maximally or unable to do because of breathlessness
New Dyspnea Measure The UCSD Shortness of Breath Questionnaire Eaking et al 1998 - Out of 120
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